What does the Abya Yala Pluriversity do?

We facilitate the exchange of pluriversal knowledges in universities in Abya Yala (the Americas), to counterpoint epistemic erasures in academia, with a focus on Indigenous and Black people and knowledges currently vivid in villages (aldeias, aldeas), quilombos, palenques, cumbes, and urban territories.


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This initiative has been inspired by the emergence of Indigenous universities, in specific the Centro Universitario del Pueblo Xhidza, a Zapoteco university which first steps started in 2012 where we now call Santa Maria Yaviche, in Oaxaca, México, and whose call for the first cohort in communal engineering (enginería comunal) started in 2017. While the inclusion of Black and Indigenous people in western universities is an urgent step in decolonizing academia, there is the crucial need of reverting epistemic hierarchies to learn with Black and Indigenous science and technology, oral traditions, arts, literature and other forms of knowledges.
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The Abya Yala Pluriversity (Pluriversidad•e Abya Yala) is a network of Indigenous universities and traditional universities in Abya Yala (the Americas) that aim to counterpoint epistemic erasures in academia by supporting the circulation of Indigenous people and knowledges in the affiliated institutions, as well as Black people and knowledges that honor the alliances between Indigenous and Black people against settler colonialism and the history of bodies and territories of resistance in villages (aldeias, aldeas), cumbes, palenques, quilombos, etc., and urban territories.


The Abya Yala Pluriversity is founded on the principle of a pluriversal world, where the respect and recognition of plural ways of knowing and being guide our activities.

For that, it is also based on the principles of interconnectedness and autonomy.

Visiting Fellows

Yunuen Torres Ascencio

Yunuen Torres is a P’urhépecha woman from Cherán, Michoacán in Mexico. From a young age, she has been involved in cultural processes concerning the youth, memory and...

Universities and Organizations

Universities and organizations that are part of this network!


Abya Yala Pluriversity Week of Science and Technology, April 5th, Friday

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Abya Yala Pluriversity Weekof Science and Technology

Join us

Do you want to know more and be part of it? These are the people who are already part of Pluriversity and can be contacted, then, you can find out more about the Initiative, talk about ideas and projects.


Here you get to know some of the Fellow’s experiences

Join us

Do you want to know more and be part of it? These are the people who are already part of Pluriversity and can be contacted, then, you can find out more about the Initiative, talk about ideas and projects.