Yunuen Torres Ascencio

Yunuen Torres is a P’urhépecha woman from Cherán, Michoacán in Mexico. From a young age, she has been involved in cultural processes concerning the youth, memory and communication. She has worked with community radio for over 15 years in the Purhépecha highland region of Michoacán. This commitment intensified after the uprising in 2011 in Cherán, to defend the forests, territory, and life. Alongside her community, she has defended the right that Indigenous peoples have to communicate and express their thoughts about their own lives through community and memory practices. She has worked as an audiovisual producer, portraying the life of the P’urhépecha culture, and currently, she is part of several collectives and Services and Advisory for Peace, accompanying various processes and communities in defense of their territory in Mexico. 

Yunuen Torres Ascencio, a P’urhépecha woman and the first participant of Abya Yala Pluriversity

(Originally written in Spanish) I am Yunuen Torres Ascencio, a P’urhépecha woman who has lived the defense of the territory

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